pocket change for the internet

microdonations and micropayments without a second thought

The scenarios in the menu on the left-hand side provide lightweight examples of how tibdit might be used across different sites, both for microdonations, and micropayments. Hover over the scenario names to read a little about then and click to test them yourself. We will be adding additional scenarios, and expanding the existing ones, over the coming weeks.

The scenarios all implement tibdit testmode. This means that tibs must be purchased using ’magic‘ rather than your debit or credit card or bitcoin. When you spend these tibs, the payment is made over a testnet. No real money or value is transferred. Testmode is not a short-term feature, it will be available for potential tibbees and tibbers to trial tibdit's system.

You can also experiment and try out tibdit's micropayment solution on your own site. Click on the testmode icon inside the tibdit popup window from within one of the scenarios to find out how.

The demonstration scenarios and tibdit popup are not yet suitable for small screen devices like phones and tablets. Resolving this is a priority, so check back soon if this is a requirement for you.